Oak iq

Design-Driven Success in Real Estate Syndication

Meet Oak IQ

Imagine a couple of passionate founders with a big dream: to bring top-tier real estate investments to everyday folks. That's Oak IQ for you. They're all about helping entrepreneurs – those go-getters who want more time and financial freedom.

The Starting Point

Now, every dream has its challenges. For Oak IQ, it was their digital identity – or the lack of it. Their website? A quick DIY job by the founders. No logo, no real strategy, and no social media presence. They were like a hidden gem waiting to shine.

Our Journey Together

When Oak IQ approached Apta, they just wanted a website facelift. But as we chatted, we saw a bigger picture. We got to work, sketching out a logo, jazzing up their website, and giving them a solid presence on social media. And guess what? They loved our work so much that we ended up designing... well, pretty much everything! From snazzy email signatures and business cards to landing pages and a full-blown brand guide.

“The final product was above our expectations, and has inspired us to level up our brand! The level of professionalism and communication has been 5 star! The Apta team are absolutely pros!”

Caleb Edwards


The Transformation

Fast forward to today, and Oak IQ is making waves in the real estate syndication world. They're not just another firm; they're becoming the go-to name in their niche. And we're super proud to be part of their journey.


A Little Behind-The-Scenes

Here's a fun tidbit: Caleb and Aaron, the brains behind Oak IQ, initially hired us for just a website redesign. But as we got talking and brainstorming, one thing led to another. Before we knew it, we were crafting their entire brand story. It's collaborations like these that make our job so rewarding!

Ready to elevate your brand and drive success in the syndication realm? Let's talk.